BBC TV ad error spotted!

lisa Lisa, 6th January 2009

Ok, so this is about as geeky as it gets... but on a rather nice animation for BBC 3 (you know - the kind they play whilst the voice over says what's coming next etc - know they've got a name but can't think what it is...) there was a revolving URL - the BBC3 website spelt out in lights on the side of a building. Unfortunately, the designer/animator wrote it in capitals... I wondered if it would work and it doesn't - http://WWW.BBC.CO.UK/BBCTHREE. Neither does http://WWW.BBC.CO.UK/BBC3 All web geeks know that anything after the / is case sensitive. So the BBC need to do some mod rewriting to make capitals work too if their animators want to have complete freedom on how they send people to does work, by the way via a redirection.

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