It occured to me, whilst writing my ‘It all starts here’ post, that it infact didn’t start there at all. Launching our site came after quite a few things, probably the most difficult of which was choosing our name… 18a, has a ring to it I think. Although it does conjure up the possibility of ‘adult content’ to some people which isn’t ideal… Or maybe it just keep people interested…

Before 18a there were a couple of other suggestions, the main one being ‘With Our Powers Combined’ which I’m sure she won’t mind me saying was Lisa’s idea. While I think it’s a very cute name and comes complete with a super hero style action (I can’t explain this in writing but it makes me laugh! :), after asking around a few people we just didn’t think it was ‘snappy’ enough. I’d welcome any comments though!

So 18a it is, and for anyone interested it’s my house number here on Gloucester Road, hehe exciting story, but at least we didn’t choose the stereotypical animal+colour name!