It was a late night last night, as Tom was keen to get his new site live. is a site of Tom’s that he made ages ago (2004 I think…) that was in certain need of a revamp. It was written in Perl, and whilst it worked fine, it didn’t have the neat features or sleek look we like our sites to have now.

So Tom has spent a couple of days rebuilding it around a design we did on Friday night (we’re crazy kids!) and it now lets you search for village halls available for hire according to a mile radius from your address or postcode. He’s quite happy with the smart listing process, that guides you through the steps involved and lets you come back and log in to edit your listing and images.

We’ve worked with the Google Maps API before when we came to work on, which had been set up with a PHP library, but this for this project Tom accessed the API with jQuery.
