I had seen the remarkable work of Vivien Mallock a few months ago, and it didn’t cross my mind that we would get a call asking us to host and maintain her site.

It seems the site was originally made with software (I think Dreamweaver, but I’m a hand-coded kinda girl so I’m not certain) which always makes manual updates a mission! But I got there eventually! There was just sooo much code on every single page to be updated and duplicated through out the rest of the site. And due to the very attractive design there were 4 images and 2 pages to be made for each photo on display.

But it’s now up to date with Vivien’s latest work. The next stages of updates include adding a menu to the home page, and making the news articles actual text rather than pictures of words so Google can index them properly. Vivien has done some amazing work – she was actually the last artist to have a sitting by the Queen Mother after being commissioned to do a bust of her to mark her 100th birthday – and we want Google and the World to know about it!
