We got the go ahead this morning to lift the covers on the Sainsbury’s Ashton Gate site we designed and built for them recently. The site has been under wraps whilst they populated the content using the SimpleCMS we custom built for them. The site allows Admins to add, edit and delete pages as they wish, and add header images of any size before the site resizes them to be inkeeping with the design. The FAQs section is also a purpose built feature, so Admins can add, edit, delete and categorise answers. With a completely open CMS (just add pages of whatever you want) can come too much freedom and so it’s harder to keep the design looking neat. In this case particularly – as the site design was in line with Sainsbury’s corporate brand guidelines and approved by them – the site has to stay looking smart and in order. A bespoke FAQs section rather than just a page of text also allows for the Quick Links section on the right and an easier viewing process for visitors. sainsburys