Tom Freeman from 18a and Matt Kelly from FacebookWe admit it. We’re geeks. Which meant it was very exciting to meet Facebook Developer Matt Kelly (left in the pic, with our Technical Director Tom Freeman on the right) in San Francisco as part of our 18a Road Trip the other day. He was a lovely guy and it was great to chat about the new features Facebook is working on.

It was when we went to a meet up Facebook Developers (as in, developers around the world who make applications etc.) and Matt (a Facebook Developer as in, he works for Facebook!) gave a talk on the new Graph API.

The new basis for the Facebook API sounds like a wish come true for Developers – as the originally was notoriously buggy, and this new version sounds simple to use and smooth to run.

We met Matt just after building the “More Friends Than Tigers” Facebook App for the BBC, as part of their publicity for the fundraising night “Wild Night In” on BBC 2 on the 20th June. With £1,000,000 raised, it was a roaring success (sorry!).