We were very proud last week to launch the Bath and West Facebook Timeline page.

Working with the Bath and West’s PR company, JBP, we were all set to design and build a custom Facebook landing tab for the famous show, when Facebook announced their plans to make the timeline compulsory from the 31st March.

So we suggested a change of plan, and that we would simply design a cover for their timeline instead, as the timeline means you can no longer pick a tab for all of your visitors to land on by default.

The design features a combination of illustration and photography to be on trend with the country summer fete fashion that’s sweeping the UK again at the moment, which supports the Bath and West’s 2012 baking competition, whilst also showcasing photos of just some of the great attractions at the day.

We’re delighted that everyone at JBP and the Royal Bath and West love the artwork – I’ve been wanting to design something in this style for ages! If you need a Facebook Cover for your timeline, please get in touch.