At first glance, the new site we created for Clayton Euro Risk looks pretty similar to the old site … which was exactly what was requested.

However, as similar as it may seem in comparison, just like a swan, the feet were paddling frantically below the surface. Metaphorically I mean – the CMS on the old site was clunky and difficult to update.

Now on WordPress, the new site is easy to edit and update, which as those in the constantly changing financial services industry (and any other for that matter) will know, is just as important as how the site looks.

Having said that, on designing and building the new site we knew that the site map (what pages the site contains) would need to change slightly, in order to give a slightly different emphasis to various pieces of information about the company. The services themselves needed a fresh, new look and a little ‘prettifying’ as we like to call it too. The fact that the site is now based on WordPress means that the Clayton team can change the site map / pages structure as they wish to in the future too, with easy to manage menus.

With a clearly structured navigation, some extra content at the top of the page (assisting with SEO) and some re-structuring of pages in general, the new site is informative and easy to navigate around. Incorporating the branding, we designed new icons, added a slideshows and gave the site a much needed update. Here at 18a we’re all about the user’s experience both front and back end, so what may seem like a simple update can often mean far more than first thought!