Our lovely friends over at Create Health have unveiled their beautiful new brand, and we were thrilled to be involved.

WordPress developer Jon built their WordPress site for them a while ago and their creative team gave us some new designs that called for a deep cosmetic overhaul, without changing the fundamental structure of the templates. This meant we could transform their site quickly and efficiently (and therefore cost effectively). Using modern CSS techniques, Jon changed their straight lines for wavy, updated illustrations styles and messaging and switched the font. Tweaks like those, and just shifting where text sits in relation to an image it is depicting are just some of the simple but effective changes that meant the site could get a radical make over with a quick turn around. Introducing a video hero in the header of the home page is also something that gives a dramatic change to a website’s first impression. 

We also integrated Hubspot to allow them to manage their launch event, and introduced some new team members to the blog. 

Their rebrand goes further than just a tweaked colour pallette and a wavy line – much, much further. Create Health are delving deeper into how people think to help produce effective healthcare communications – do read their site if you’re in that sector as they can explain their approach much better than me! They’ve also got a “Novel Thinking” section for reading list suggestions – do leave your email address to join the club!

I always like Create’s designs and their new website is no exception. It’s original (when so many agency websites look like a Premium theme bought off the shelf), and classic – modern but timeless. 

Create don’t have an inhouse technical department, so we help them with all of their web development requirements. Sometimes that means full website builds, last week some HTML5 banners, and very often HTML emails. If you’d like to speak about how we can help your communications agency offer full web development to your clients, please do get in touch.