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Jericho Writers

Jericho Writers’ had been struggling for a long time with a WordPress creaking at the seams. Lots of plugins, lots of bugs and a long wish list of things to achieve. So we set to work!

The site is already more stable, has an exciting new look, and we’ve added lots of new features to reach the team’s next goals.

I already don’t know how we’d manage without you!

Rachael Cooper

Head of People & Services

New WordPress home page

New home page

The Jericho Writers home page didn’t convey everything that this vibrant organisation has to offer – and it didn’t make the most of their exciting, colourful brand. So we designed a new home page, utilising much more of their brand palette, and built it using re-usable blocks so that this enhanced look and feel can gradually feed through the rest of the site.

WordPress SEO


Search engine optimisation is incredibly important to Jericho Writers, and whilst they’re very good at it in house, we’ve been on hand over the last few months to offer expert guidance on new site developments to ensure their strong credentials are built upon and not diminished.

WordPress LifterLMS

Online courses

Having tried various online training platforms in the past, Jericho Writers are now using LifterLMS. We’ve gotten the platform set up for them and have ensured the new courses section matches the website look and feel. We’re also ensuring a seamless user experience for their members as they move between the main site and their training.

Digital Architeture

Jericho Writers have a lot of strings to their bow, and that takes careful consideration from an architecture and infrastructure point of view to ensure everything works seamlessly and smoothly together.

We’re currently helping the team overhaul the structure of their offering with a micro-services approach. This ensures user experience is cleaner whilst technically everything is more efficiently maintained and stable.

Security upgrades

The Jericho website relies on a lot of plugins, and these needed a careful audit to see if any were obsolete, before we started a regular upgrade schedule to ensure everything stays up to date.

Using a test plan we upgrade their main WordPress site, which includes Woo and lots of related ecommerce plugins along with their Buddy Boss community, checking for any new plugin conflicts or depreciations.

Hosting support

Jericho use cloud hosting from Digital Ocean to keep their large infrastructure online. We help them manage this to ensure that everything runs smoothly, but whilst also checking they’re not paying for more services than they need.

Whilst they don’t auto scale like some of our other clients, their set up means we can increase resource when a big campaign calls for it, and keep orders flooding through the checkout.

The Jericho team are fantastic to work with – they’re incredibly dynamic and constantly moving forwards. They’ve got their work cut out with managing such a Goliath of a WordPress site so I’m glad they found us so that we can help them with all the technical hurdles their site throws at them.

Lisa Bailey

Director, 18a