
Changes to OpenCart payment's controller inline with WorldPay updates

8th May 2013 04:00 by lisa

If you use WorldPay to process your payments on your OpenCart shop you may have recently received emails from them about updates to their system.

For a client running OpenCart v. I've just made the following changes to their WorldPay controller, so as to call to a different WorldPay URL.

In catalog/controller/payment/worldpay.php on around line 12

$this->data['action'] = 'https://select.worldpay.com/wcc/purchase';


$this->data['action'] = 'https://secure.worldpay.com/wcc/purchase';

Meanwhile I've checked a client's site running OpenCart v. and the same area of code already looks like:

if (!$this->config->get('worldpay_test')){ $this->data['action'] = 'https://secure.worldpay.com/wcc/purchase'; }else{ $this->data['action'] = 'https://secure-test.worldpay.com/wcc/purchase'; }

Hope that helps anyone who missed the email and is wondering why their WorldPay payments have stopped working after the 30th May!