
VAT changes back on the 1st January 2010.

2nd December 2009 04:44 by lisa
....and how much has it cost the country to print all the stickers and paper work and reminders necessary for that little 2.5% holiday we all had?! And how many shops will beĀ disruptedĀ on New Years Day by having to change their systems back again? Personally I really wish they'd left it until March... I'm not in a business where we have to deal with returned goods, but if I was I'd find straight after Christmas a ridiculous time for such changes! But anyway - the 1st January it is - so if you've got a website/online shop that needs updating back to 17.5% for then, let us know. Looks like we might be working New Years Day... Right - I'm going to find somewhere to stick my free stickers!
VAT changes back to 17.5% on the 1st January.