Yahoo new US home page

The Interweb was buzzing last week with talk of the new Yahoo home page – and yes, it does look pretty slick now for US audiences.

Overall, it’s cleaner, clearer and wider than the old version, which can still be seen on the UK edition of the site.

You can sign in via Facebook just by hovering over the link in the top right, whilst hovering over any news article in the middle of the page brings up a share icon and a “x†/ remove icon. This main panel of news can be filtered by category, and Yahoo will try to learn from what you filter and what you remove (and probably by what you share) the sort of things that you’d like to see more of when you visit. As with everything online, it’s getting personal!

The site is apparently optimised for smartphones, although it’s not fully responsive.

Ex-Googler Marissa Mayer, Yahoo’s new CEO, is leading the company into the new design, so as to help them keep their position as the 4th visited site on the Internet, after Google, Facebook and YouTube. It’s position is perhaps more due to it being many people’s home page than it being a go-to site like the others.

Yahoo, originally simply Jerry and Dave’s Guide to the World Wide Web, was once the web’s biggest seller of display advertising, but it’s market share dropped to 8.4 in 2012, whilst Google now apparently leads the way with over 41%, according to US Today.

Below – the old version of Yahoo’s home page, still viewable in the UK:

Yahoo UK home page