Google have released another feature to its ever growing platform but this time it’s an educational service which allows anyone to create and teach a class on the platform.

As Classroom was only released earlier this year this is only the second update that Google have added. The update means that anyone can now join and teach classes without the need for a G Suite Educational account (usually only available to schools and universities for their students).

Google has said that the new tool is available on all devices. Meaning that wherever you are you can now learn inside and outside of school or, be part of an after school program that could hold a workshop for learning how to code. Classroom brings education and technology to people who want to learn regardless of their setting.

So rather than creating youtube tutorials or blog posts on how to do something people can now use Classroom which allows users too; add resources, post tasks, and assignments and even interact with their students as they progress through their lessons. It also means that teachers and students can work paperlessly. A pretty nifty tool if you want to do more than just create videos or tutorials.

Google Classroom can be accessed here.