Is your website ready for GDPR?

If you haven’t heard about it – or have preferred to ignore it – GDPR will be a legal requirement from May 2018. GDPR stands for the General Data Protection Regulation and is designed to protect the data of EU citizens. Right now, that’s us in the UK – but after Brexit is complete, you’ll still need to adhere to the regulation if you have any EU citizen visiting your site. And unless you manage to actively stop people from Europe swinging by and browsing, that means you’re going to need to comply.

Our Director Lisa has spoken at various events about GDPR over the last 12 months and has written a comprehensive guide for website owners over on The Web Guild. Whereas in the past things like this have been passed down as a Directive – meaning every member state can put their own spin on it – this is a Regulation meaning we all need to sing from exactly the same hymn sheet and comply to the same rules (more or less – there’s always the odd caveat!).

If you haven’t considered whether you’re GDPR ready, or would like to chat over your plans, get in touch for some New Year GDPR consultancy and strategy work. We’re not solicitors so we can’t give legal advice, but we can help you understand the basics of GDPR and what you may need to do on your website.