Web Development

Firefox Guinness World Record Download Attempt

Firefox Guinness World Record Download Attempt

By tom, 21.06.08

Has Firefox Set the Guinness Record for the most downloads in a 24 hour period? That was the aim for the latest release of their ever popular browser; Firefox 3. Millions of people logged into the official site to grab a copy of the browser, infact according to the Download…

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Pricecheck.at - The Mobile Price Checking Service

Pricecheck.at - The Mobile Price Checking Service

By tom, 13.05.08

We've touched on mobile web development in the past couple of posts. It's an exciting new area which offers a huge potential for growth as more people get online with their mobile phones. Well rather than just talk about it, we thought we'd give it a go, and Pricecheck.at is…

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Basic Guidelines for Developing a Mobile Friendly Website

Basic Guidelines for Developing a Mobile Friendly Website

By tom, 15.04.08

There are a few basic things to consider when building a site that's mobile friendly. It's all pretty common sense when you think about it, and infact I've found most of these rules simply apply as good 'general' rules anyway. I.e. Use of good quality well-formed code, css based design…

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The Mobile Internet is Now

The Mobile Internet is Now

By tom, 14.04.08

I've been reading a fair bit lately into what many people suspect will be the 'next big thing' on the Internet; the final 'coming of age' of the mobile Internet. There are a lot of people doing a lot of things in the mobile web world, I feel like I've…

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Navigation Trends and Ideas

Navigation Trends and Ideas

By tom, 2.04.08

A websites navigation is one of the most important aspects in it's design. Making a site easy to navigate and intuitive to the user, while at the same time interesting and original is always something to aspire to. This article by smashing magazine gives a nice little overview of some…

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Unleash the CSS - Creating Multiple Skins for your Site

Unleash the CSS - Creating Multiple Skins for your Site

By tom, 6.03.08

How easy is it to change the entire look of your site? If your site is more than 2 years old and the slightest bit complicated I would imagine it's pretty tricky... The days of table based layouts are long behind us. Over the past couple of years we've seen…

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New Social Shopping Widgets aid Online Promotion

New Social Shopping Widgets aid Online Promotion

By tom, 3.03.08

It's an increasingly crowded online marketplace, with everyone competing for the top spots on the search engines, beating each other up with adwords and fighting for all the traffic they can get. You might have the best products in the world, but if nobody knows you exist then it's hard…

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Social Bookmark Shopping.. What!?

Social Bookmark Shopping.. What!?

By tom, 25.02.08

Hands up who's heard of social bookmarking. I expect most people reading this article will have. The concept has been around for an Internet 'eternity' now. I thought everyone in the Facebook generation would be familiar with the idea, but I was speaking to a friend of mine yesterday, happily…

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Facebook Style Image Grabber

Facebook Style Image Grabber

By tom, 22.02.08

I love the way Facebook works; there are so many subtly clever gizmos that just make the whole experience that little bit smoother and pleasant. One feature I particularly like is the image grabber. For those that don't know, if you enter a URL while writing a private message in…

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